寸法: 181.8×227.3cm
年代: 2015
- 〜文化功労者顕彰記念〜絹谷幸二展2015年4月8日-2015年9月1日|日本橋三越本店 本館6階 美術特選画廊|福岡三越 9階=岩田屋三越美術画廊|名古屋栄三越 7階 美術画廊
- 開館40周年記念ー生命の讃歌ー絹谷幸二展2015年10月1日-2016年1月12日|公益財団法人池田20世紀美術館
Ougon Haikei Fugaku Kyokujitsu, Fuujin, Raijin [Mt. Fuji on a Golden Background and the Sun, Fujin (God of Wind), Raijin (God of Thunder)]
Size: 181.8×227.3cm
Date: 2015
Mediums:Mixed media
Holding:Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum
Homage to Fujin Raijin by Tawaraya Sotatsu, founder of the Rinpa School which represents pictures of the Edo era, lies in the origin of creativity. The two bold gods face each other with Mt. Fuji in the background of the sun. The eyes of Fujin and Raijin painted in unrivaled dynamic expressiveness reflect intense anger toward the arrogance of people who destroy the gifts of nature. Fujin turns the indmill, and Raijin catches the thunder and geothermal energy. By painting such great alternative energy in nature, Kinutani sounded an alarm for modern civilization. This grand masterpiece is the pride of Tenku Museum which aims to be a source of vigor for humankind.