絹谷幸二が描く「国際博物館会議(ICOM アイコム)京都大会2019」公式ポスター | ICOM KYOTO 2019 Poster. Title: Light.Descends on Kyoto painted by Mr Kinutani Koji.

ICOM(International Council of Museums:国際博物館会議)は、ミュージアムの発展を目的とした世界で唯一かつ最大の国際的非政府組織になります。
The International Council of (ICOM) is the international organisation representing museums and museum professionals from 141 countries and territories in the worldwide.
Every three years, ICOM's General Conference is held.
The upcoming Conference will be held in Kyoto, Japan, from September, 2019.
Japanese painter Koji Kinutani paint maine poster.
*ICOM KYOTO 2019 Poster.
Title: Light Descends on Kyoto painted by Mr Kinutani Koji.
ICOM KYOTO 2019 Early Registration Launched.
Dear museum colleagues and friends from all over the world, thank you for waiting.
We are happy to announce early registration for "The 25th ICOM General Conference ICOM KYOTO 2019" launched!
To register, please proceed to the ICOM KYOTO 2019 official website, where payment is accepted by credit card and bank transfer.
*Registration for Institutional members will be opening soon.
For more details, refer to the official website below.