
Koji Kinutani, the artist behind the ICOM Kyoto 2019 poster

During the Annual Meetings of ICOM in 2018, we interviewed the renowned Japanese artist Koji Kinutani on the meaning behind the poster he designed for the General Conference of ICOM, which features his painting entitled Light Descends On Kyoto.

 • ICOM Kyoto 2019 website: http://icom-kyoto-2019.org/

Lors des réunions annuelles de l'ICOM 2018, nous avons interviewé le célébre artiste japonais Koji Kinutani sur la signification de l'affiche conçue pour la Conférence générale de l'ICOM, sur laquelle figure son tableau intitulé Light Descends On Kyoto.

• Site web d'ICOM Kyoto 2019: http://icom-kyoto-2019.org/fr

Durante las Reuniones Anuales de ICOM en 2018, entrevistamos al célebre artista japonés Koji Kinutani sobre el significado detrás del cartel que diseñó para la Conferencia General de ICOM, que presenta su pintura titulada Light Descends On Kyoto (La luz desciende en Kioto, en español).

 • Sitio web del ICOM Kyoto 2019: http://icom-kyoto-2019.org/es

Music: Neutral Motion by Richard Lacy

Poster image: "The Light Descends On Kyoto" Ⓒ ICOM Kyoto 2019 Organising Committee.
