
絹谷幸二 天空美術館Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum

2020.12.19 リーフレット2020.12.19 Leaflet
2020.12.19 VR動画2020.12.19 VR Movie
フォトギャラリーPhoto Gallery
機関誌Official Journalr

シンボルゾーンSymbol Zone

It is the visionary prologue space which makes the sky imagine.You are lured out to the Kinutani world with the symbolic works.

3D映像演出3-D image production

You can enjoy a sense of reality as if you were drawn into the world of the work which Koji Kinutani created in a big screen of powerful 3D.

展示ゾーン「青」 展示ゾーン「赤」Exhibition Zone BLUE.Exhibition Zone RED.

In display space of color "blue" and "red" led by the works, please thoroughly enjoy the works of Kinutani to your heart's content.

天空ギャラリーTenku Gallery

You can enjoy looking out over the town facing Osaka Bay. Here, you can take a picture.

絹谷幸二 アトリエKoji Kinutani Studio

Here is the studio where you can see his production scenery. He had the process in which the work was produced seen by many children from up close, and the studio was set up in this place from Koji Kinutani's wish that he wanted them to sense something.

天空カフェTenku café

It is a cafe filled with an atmosphere of bright and rich color. Please enjoy the reverberation of art appreciation in the gorgeous space which is an aggregate of color.

開館時間Opening Hours
10:00-18:00 / Fridays, Saturdays,
the day before ho lidays: 10:00-20:00
(Last entry 30 minutes before closing)
Tuesdays (However, in the case of a public holiday, it opens, and the following weekday is closed.) From December 30 to January 3rd. The exhibition replacement period
入館料Admission fee
一般1000円、大学・高校・中学生 600円、小学生以下無料、団体・障がい者割引あり
General 1000 yen, university · high school · junior high school student 600 yen, less than primary school student free, group / People with disabilities discount available
〒531-0076 大阪市北区大淀中1-1-30
梅田スカイビル タワーウエスト27階
Umeda Sky Building Tower West 27th Floor 1-30,Oyodonaka 1-chome, kita-ku, Osaka 531-0076
アクセスマップAccess map
