
絹谷幸二 天空美術館Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum


Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum was founded as a state-of-the-art museum on the 27th floor of Umeda Sky Building. It seeks to become a new base for transmitting arts and culture, which enlivens humankind with the power of beauty and art.

北海道立近代美術館Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art

2018年12月8日(土)~2019年1月27日(日)「絹谷幸二 色彩とイメージの旅」絹谷幸二の初期から現在に至る代表作を展示するとともに、素描や陶芸、ガラス作品に至るまで、多彩な活動の全貌に迫ります。

December 8 (Sat.) 2018- January 27 (Sun.), 2019
KOJI KINUTANI: A Journey of Color and Imagery
This exhibition presents all of his various activities, from drawings, ceramics, to glass works, in addition to the exhibitions of the most famous works through Koji Kinutani's career.

北京・清華大学芸術博物館The Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China

2018年9月1日(土)~9月23日(日)「愛と祈り・豊穣の翼」日中平和友好条約締結40周年を記念して、絹谷幸二絵画展を中国 北京 清華大学芸術博物館で開催

September 1 (Sat.)- September 23 (Sun), 2018
Koji Kinutani Solo Exhibition: Love and Prayer
Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty" at the Tsinghua University.

京都国立近代美術館The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto

2017年8月22日(火)~10月15日(日)「絹谷幸二 色彩とイメージの旅」絹谷幸二の初期から現在に至る代表作を展示するとともに、素描や陶芸、ガラス作品に至るまで、多彩な活動の全貌に迫ります。

August 22 (Tue.)- October 15 (Sun), 2017
KOJI KINUTANI: A Journey of Color and Imagery
This exhibition presents all of his various activities, from drawings, ceramics, to glass works, in addition to the exhibitions of the most famous works through Koji Kinutani’s career.

ふくやま美術館Fukuyama Museum of Art


January 25 (Sat.) 2020- March 15 (Sun.), 2020
The world of Koji Kinutani -Focusing on Mt.Fuji-
The exhibition will focus on works with the motif of Mount Fuji, which is familiar to Japanese people. About 70 works will be exhibited, including works drawn when studying in Italy in the 1970s, and landscapes and still life drawn in recent years. Introducing Koji Kinutani's original and colorful world and its attractions.
